media art fair - july 3/4 2010
The innovative art fair at the Zollverein world heritage site contemporary art ruhr (C.A.R.)
is an innovative and dynamic fair format. It has established two art fairs annually since 2006.
With a media art fair in the summer and innovative art productions out of the ordinary:
video and media art, installations, performances, environmental sculptures, multimedia projects
and especially the field of contemporary photograpy. In autumn with an art fair for contemporary
art - C.A.R. covers the entire spectrum of fine arts and their most important current influences.
The objective of contemporary art ruhr is to develop an arts marketplace by a unique conception
that the Ruhr can call its own. Unbiased. Minimalist. Vibrant.
Participants include established and emerging galleries for contemporary art, acclaimed museums,
academies, public art galleries and art societies. Some selected artists are provided with a small
area of subsidised floor space, giving them the opportunity to attend a high-calibre art fair, while
projects by art-school students are also on display.
In parallel to the fair there are special exhibitions, events, symposia, a wide range of a special
programme as well as the C.A.R. Gallery, an open competition for photography and digital art.
For those interested in the world of art, C.A.R. offers an insight into the current art market at the
cutting edge of a dynamic industry.
Organizers, directors: galerie/agentur 162. Partners: Zollverein Foundation, Essen Office of Culture,
media companies and other commercial enterprises. In 2010, contemporary art ruhr is an official
project of European Capital of Culture 2010 "Essen for the Ruhr".


DA Store, Basel/ Schweiz.
Artists: exonemo, Atelier Hauert Reichmuth, Monica Studer / Christoph van den Berg, Esther Hunziker, collectif_fact, Beat Brogle,